Wednesday, March 1, 2017

Welcome to Trapped in a World of Writing - Evy

Hello! This is Evy and I am very happy to welcome you to this blog! I will be posting every other Saturday. My hobbies include collecting American Girl Dolls, drawing, ballet, and writing. Thus far I have ten stories in progress, four completed, and some ideas sitting around as documents on my laptop. You might say I write a lot.

I have a decent portion of my stories posted on my other blog, Evy's Little Corner. I'm not sure if I will post any portions of those stories on this blog, since I already have them there. I might share Climbing Starlight or some of my other short stories.

For further introduction, Anika, Sabine, and I will be doing the Get To Know You tag. Here is mine, and Anika's will be posted on Monday I think.  

Vital Stats -

Name: I go by a lot of names online. (Sparrow, Gemma, Evy, Lanie, Eve) It just depends on the site. 

Nickname: I guess Evy and Lanie are nicknames, although I prefer the term pen name for those. Real life, my dad calls me Miss Alanius, or Miss A.

Place of birth: Georgia

Firsts - 
Best friend: Does my little sister count? If not, a girl who used to live near me, Zoe.

Award: I think I got some kind of award in Kindergarten, for what I'm not sure. 

Sport: Ballet. I'm in my FIFTH YEAR of ballet now. I take classes almost every day of the week now. 

Real holiday: Thanksgiving, I think. My birthday is in November.

Concert: My family went to a few concerts hosted by a local college orchestra, if that counts. I think I was seven or eight. 

 Favorites -

Film: The Aristocats and Robin Hood (the Disney version). I loved both of those when I was little, and I still do. 

TV show: My Little Pony and Once Upon A Time. (Both really great shows. I would recommend them.)

Color: It honestly depends. I have a favorite color in my colored pencil box (a cherry red sort of color), a favorite color for prom dresses (purple), a favorite hair color (black or really vibrant red), and then I like yellow, white, pink, navy, sky blue, and lots of other colors. 

Song: Recently I have been obsessed with Bastille and Imagine Dragons and all of their music. I like Silence by Bastille and Shots, Ready Aim Fire, Tiptoe, and some other ones by Imagine Dragons.

Restaurant: I like Moe's nachos and a local restaurant's calzones and pizza.

Books: Lets see...The Hunger Games, The Last Dragon Chronicles series, the Airhead series, the 1-800-Where-R-U series, Maximum Ride, Divergent, Percy Jackson and Heroes of Olympus, Peter and the Starcatchers, Warriors, Harry Potter, Narnia, The Giver. That's all I can think of at the moment. I wish I could check library history XD. I don't buy books much because I read so fast.  

Currently -

Feeling: Happy and relaxed. I'm singing with a Pandora station that I have on. 

Single or taken: I am very much taken. 

Eating: I'm hungry but eating nothing. I had orange juice a few minutes ago. 

Watching: My cat Mint breathe and worrying if she's going to fall off my desk. As soon as I finished that sentence she glared at me. I wonder if she's psychic... Update: She now appears to be reading the screen. This is weird.

Wearing: A blue and white striped shirt and gray skirt. 

Future -

Want children: Yes. 
Want to be married: Yes.

Careers in mind: Dancer, writer, an artist maybe?

Where you want to live: Somewhere that it isn't hot in the summer or cold in the winter. Except that it snows sometimes. I can't stand any temperature extreme. I'm probably going to have to compromise something because my current dreams are completely impossible.

Do you believe in... -

God: Yes!

Miracles: Yes.

Love at first sight: Yes. That's a little of my relationship story.

Ghosts: Well... I don't know.

Aliens: Not sure about them either.

Soul mates: Yup!

Heaven: Definitely, yes.

Hell: Yes. 

Kissing on the first date: It depends on the situation.

Yourself: Most of the time.

I hope that this post provided you with lots of random facts about me! I can't think of anything else to share, besides my random interests. So:











Dramatically pretending to be book characters in the mirror. 

I think that's it. 

Until later,


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